I remember the excitement from childhood of the fair coming to town...the smell in the air, the bright lights, getting on a ride and making sure that every time I went by my parents I SCREAMED at the top of my lungs. "Look at meeeee! Look at ME!" And my parents waving back, the excitement evident on their faces. The smell of the food, the rich decadent smells that you could almost taste, they were so cloying and thick. The taste of the cotton candy, slightly grainy on my tongue as it slowly dissolved into a sickeningly sweet syrup. The way, if you molded it in your hands and crushed it down a little, it would become slightly hard and another version of my favorite fair treat.
Lets not even speak of the corn dogs, still dripping from the hot oil it had cooked in. The combination of slightly sweet cornbread and salty hot dog. The donut holes, coated in sugar. YUM! Eating so much of it all, that really by the end of the day you feel like you'll be sick, or maybe you even were!
When you're too small, watching the older kids. Your brothers and sisters getting on the "big kid" rides, the ones you can't go on yet because you aren't tall enough. The yearning to be old enough, big enough, bold enough to get on those rides because with every turn it's just so amazing and exciting.
This is the fair. We all have our own memories of it, and whether large or small it still brings that same excitement. The signalling of summer officially here to stay, and as you grow older...the bitter sweet feeling of knowing it's yet another sign that summer is passing so very quickly.
We went to the Altoona Fair last night, Cinder City Days. As a 28 year old, it is still exciting. I love watching the interactions between people, the excitement on the kids' faces, and the carnie's. I got some cotton candy, let it dissolve on my tongue as I watched the whirlwind of activity around me. A lot of the fair was middle to high school age kids and it is really amazing to watch them. It really wasn't that long ago, that I was one of them. The heartache that was adolescence...ahhhh...I would not trade these kids for those moments, not for anything. The social awkwardness, the who's who, it's all a part of life and observing them was heart rending.
Anyway, I took some photos to share with you. :) Hope you enjoy! This weekend, I don't have any photo sessions, I am kind of looking forward to it. Not so much that I wouldn't take the last minute appointment though! Then Monday, I have a couple's session, and the rest of this month takes off from there. So excited to continue sharing with you all.
All the best,
Bobbie Sue
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