Wow! Life is getting busier and busier!! Bookings are lining up, and even with all the nasty weather we have been having I am still coming away with some
great images that I am really proud of!! Part of Thursday and several hours on Friday were spent with beautiful Alysha! She has such a bubbly and addictive personality. She is very kind and very giving and getting that personality to come out on camera was super easy. Especially when we got her doing something she really loved doing. Water seems to be her strong point. :) She was like a starved cacti, then we get her in the water and she perks right up! I had been trying to get an in-camera vintage look for a while and during her shoot, I finally succeeded. I can't tell you how excited I was !I was like a kid in a candy store, almost whirling and twirling with excitement.
We found a new park to shoot at, and the great thing is it ended up also being a great spot to bring Kane & Atlas for their walks. We brought them back Saturday afternoon and they absolutely loved it! Kane has an immense love for wide open spaces, and soft green grass and the ball field there was puppy Heaven! We even sneak him into the golf courses after hours occasionally...shhh...don't tell. Of course we never let them potty on the course! That would be blasphemy!!
We ended our night with Alysha at 11p.m.!!! The latter half of the night was spent at Half Moon Beach and we got some excellent images there. Let me tell ya though, there were just a ton of momma geese and ducks with their babies, everywhere. The Eau Claire Express game was in progress across the lake and Alysha got some wolf whistles and cat calls. Overall, really excited and happy with our progress lately and how quickly we have been gaining clients.
On Sunday, Father's Day...Samantha Brown gave birth to her beautiful baby girl!! Charlie Ray Beaver was born at 8:39a.m. 6lbs, 3oz. and 19" long. 10 beautiful fingers and 10 wrinkly, perfect toes. We are very happy for both Sam & Tony, and wish them nothing but the best of happiness. Very excited to photograph their newborn in a week or so. I currently have the most adorable little tutu and a baby cocoon on their way to me. Just a couple little extras to add some OOMPH!! to my images.
I also photographer my most handsome man on Sunday. We got one image in particular that I was very happy with, and we are very excited to bring more of our clients there in the future. We have lots of ideas for that particular location. In said image, I was lying on my back on the ground in tar, spider webs, gravel, probably some spiders and ants...ah it's all worth it in the end though! Especially when you capture the image you were looking for, and did we ever!
Thanks for keeping track of me here and hope to see you soon at your very own shoot!
Until then....
All my very best,
Bobbie Sue
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