Hello All! :0) Hope this new post finds you all well, and flourishing. Life has not slowed down for me one bit, in fact it seems as though it is ever so quickly speeding up. Almost as though you stop at a stop sign and then just slam the gas to the floor boards. This is me right now! Running on a full tank, heading as fast as lightning into my bright future. I start school in 1 week, hard to believe but very exciting all at the same time. I've finally decided to go to school for a love that I have been passionate about since I was young, cosmetology!
I think that my passion for this started as a young girl. I remember watching my mom in the bathroom, or in her bedroom...getting ready for a special event. I remember her makeup bag, and all of the wonderful treasures in that bag. I always thought my mom was the most beautiful woman ever. She spent so much time looking beautiful. The scent of that bag, I think it sticks with me. And the very first time I decided to play with some of those things in that bag, and the enormous scolding I got. Makeup was NOT for young girls, she said. I was much too beautiful all on my own to wear makeup. She always was my number ONE cheerleader when I was a kid in that respect. She always told me how beautiful I was. I remember the time in Kindergarten, maybe it was even first grade...I took one of her lipsticks to school. Oh, and believe me...it was not fit for a 5 or 6 year old. It was BRIGHT. I believe it was an orange or red, something even my mother wouldn't wear. It must have been something she purchased to experiment with, or at the behest of another person, because my conservative mother would never have been caught dead with that shade of lipstick on her lips. Anyway, I wore it proud! And....I got a nice note home from my teacher, the lipstick taken away, and a big scolding from mom when I got home for taking her lipstick.
Thinking about these long lost memories, makes me laugh. I was always so obsessed with looking the part of the girl. Oh sure, I would climb trees with my brothers, be a little dare devil...these are all requirements when you grow up with 3 brothers and no sisters. But, at the end of the day...those brightly colored polishes, lipsticks, and makeup all caught my attention. I spent so much time on my hair when I was that age, it's almost laughable. I was always very pre-occupied with my clothing, and liked everything to be "just so." Like my younger brother Justin, I didn't like it when my jeans got holes in them, I hated tucking my shirt in, and I hated colored socks with a passion. Only white, please!!
I was a tough cookie. But I loved my appearance, I loved makeup, I loved hair. And as I grew, I learned that I loved making others look their best. I loved doing hair and the glow of pride on my subject's face when they looked in the mirror. I still love playing with makeup, but now I think I am much better at the application process, and choice of colors than when I was just 6.
This is why I love doing glamour photography. I get another chance at making women feel beautiful, amazing, sexy, untouchable. I think my recent Facebook Fan Page update describes it perfectly. Here it is:
The one thing I LOVE about my job is glamour photography. As a woman myself, I know the power that feeling beautiful & unstoppable gives you. When I capture that in a photo and a woman feels amazing,THAT is the best feeling in the world for me. I love the ladies who have given me this opportunity, and to all you ladies yet to come: If someone hasn't told you yet today You are fabulous & you are beautiful. EVERY DAY.
So excited to start school, and so very excited to continue providing the beautiful ladies of the Chippewa Valley with tasteful photos they can look back on when they are older. Things their daughter's can look at and be wowed and inspired by. Ultimately, our bodies are not something to be ashamed of. We should be proud of them! Every scar, birthmark, stretch mark, mole, wrinkle, and "imperfection," makes us who we are. Every one of those things tells a story about who we are, where we've been, and where we are going. Celebrate beautiful! Celebrate YOU!
Thanks so much again, for tuning in. I'll share with you again soon.
Until then,
All my beautiful BEST,
Bobbie Sue
Your work is beautiful. I just couldn't quit looking.
ReplyDeleteKristina J.